
I am working on writing a friend's story of battling cancer. Unfortunately, she passed away with lung adenocarcinoma at age of 31 on March 9, 2015. If you're interested in reading her story, please wait patiently as I will continue on writing this piece. For those who read Chinese, please bear with me because my Chinese writing skill really sucks!


This isn't just a tear-jerking love story. It's also the inspiring story of a young, beautiful, and strong cancer fighter who battled to the end. 


It doesn't matter whether you knew Xuan (Pauline) in person or if you only met her on Facebook or through her personal page,, Princess Xuanxuan's Diary of Combating Cancer (Youxuan vs. Lung Adenocarcinoma). My hope is that her story will be shared with others whose lives are impacted by this disease and that her courageous battle against cancer be remembered by us all. To be continued…

不管你是否曾經遇到過她﹑知道她本人﹑或是在臉書上看過萱公主的抗癌日記(宥萱vs肺線癌)﹐我希望她的故事可以跟更多深受肺腺癌所苦的人分享﹐她的抗癌勇氣可以讓大家永記在心! 待續…


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